IoTDay Woman: Learn AI Research from 24 womxn in 24 hours


January 10, 2023 – January 11, 2023    
12:00 am


Join us for IoTDay Woman’s event with 24 womxn speakers in 24 hours on the topic of AI Research hosted by Sudha Jamthe & Roxy Stimpson for the 4th year with all womxn global lineup.

Event Theme: AI Research

What: We’ll have IoT and AI Research paper readouts from woman for 20 min that will stream at 9am in their timezones plus some educational sessions on IoT, AI and a Research 101 sessions.

When: We will be livestreaming from 3pm April 8th to 3pm April and  a live 5 hour band of sessions  10am to 3pm April 9th PT.

Who: Open to all globally, just check session schedule in your timezone as we run all sessions at 9am in every possible timezone starting from 9am April 9th inMelbourne.

Why: Don’t miss the opportunity to learn AI and IoT topics and get introduced to amazing researchers as they do research paper readouts, and if you are new to research don’t miss the research 101 sessions on how you can participate in research papers and posters to build out AI to solve problems dear to you.

Hosted by Sudha Jamthe and Roxy Stimpson from the